Friendship in Islam

Friendship in Islam, the rights and duties
Of the company ethics of less than perceived by or observed by these days ... say from keen to be bound, in time became a human relations based on good times or on a person's mood Ptjaozach and extremism at other times ... so we often find love turns to enmity, friendship turns to enmity and his opponents, and the good old days just turned a page, and wrote the last lines are wound!
If adherence to friends meanings of true friendship, dating etiquette and friends there would have been the band between them, and when he found a way to them the devil ... and the arguments and their relationship to the surgeon or an outlet conduit!
The etiquette of companionship that must be taken into account ... as contained in the books of Arab heritage, foreign minorities residing in the teachings of the religion of Islam, which is often taken into account the social relations, first and foremost, a great interest:
to be companionship and brotherhood in God Almighty.
the sidekick character and religion, he said): Messenger of Allah r one of his close friend to let him see one of you Hikhall) [Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and classed as hasan Albanian].
to be a sidekick mind weighty.
to be not just punk, following the non-innovator.
Leicester Friends defects owner and publication.
to advise him gently and Lin and affection, and toughen it by saying.
put up with the advice and despair of reform.
to stand for the harm its owner.
to be faithful to its owner, whatever the circumstances.
- to visit him in God is not for worldly interest.
- ask him if he missed, and inspect his dependents if he travels.
- to Iaudh when ill, and recognizes him if he received, and answered him if he called him and advised him if Astnsahh, after rising from bowing and if he sneezes, followed if he died.
- to publish The advantages and virtues.
- that loves him well as he loves for himself.
- to teach him what his ignorance of matters of religion, and guide him to the welfare of his religious and worldly interests.
- that defends him and if his absence is spoke in the councils.
- to support him right or wrong. It was supported by an unjust Bkivh injustice and prevent it.
- to spare him if he needs to its aid, Valsidik time of need.
- to spend his needs and seek in its interests, and accept from outside is less.
- that offers them the same and submit it to others.
- that is shared in the joys, and comfort him in their grief and sorrow.
- that a lot of praying for him oneself.
- to Incefh of himself at the difference.
- do not forget liking him, Vahar of the sponsor and Dad for a moment.
- not much to blame and reproach.
- to seek his Hiljih excuses not to apologize. At the poet says:
If the beloved one come sin
Came a thousand advantages intercessor
- To accept excuses if you apologize.
- to welcome him when he visited, and the augur in the face, and honor him very honorable.
- to submit his gifts, nor forget the favor, of righteousness.
- to forget when he slipped up, and beyond for lapses.
- It should not be expected to reward the good he was doing.
- to teach him his love to him as the Messenger of Allah r: (If one of you that he loves his brother Vlielmh) [Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and horses].
- the guilt is paying to do, or the crime committed.
- that humility he nor flaunts it. He says: And lower thy wing to those who follow thee among the Believers] poets: ].
- not much to argue with him and uncontrovertible, and makes it way to abandonment of his rivalry.
- probably not harm him. Said): The Messenger of Allah Siyakm and probably, the most likely lie talk) [Narrated by Muslim].
- not to disclose his secret, do not succeed with him a promise, not to obey the enemy.
- to rush to congratulate him and his preaching good.
- to belittle something out of favor, even if a little bit.
- always be encouraged by the progress and success

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